Saturday, August 8, 2009

I deviated... and backsled!!!

So I had a series of "fat girl" moments this week...

Thursday morning I had McDonalds' #4 breakfast meal you wont believe this...two...(one, two) apple pies!!! And although I didnt eat the pies with my breakfast I did eat them throughout the day. Then Thursday night I went to the movies- Linden Blvd Mutliplex to be exact- where I had $18.75 of bad food. The choices are just horrible at the theaters but I had two hot dogs, one topped with chili and another with ketchup. I had french fries and then... guess the 40oz DIET coke may have helped me redeem myself.

On Friday, I had Dunkin Donuts "Lite" Latte which is sweeter than any iced coffee I ever had at McDonalds. Then I had a toasted Everything bagel with eggs and bacon.

AFTER wonderful roommate decided that it was time to have some Mister Softee Ice Cream. Ya'll know the dripping infected viral soft serve I'm talking about, right?

SO today, I knew I would just make better choices.....I had some Pistachio ice cream made by everyone's favorite Ben & fucking Jerry.

WHY DO I EAT LIKE THIS?????!?!?!?!?!?!....I can't remember the last real meal I've had for the week. It's a wonder that I'm not a size 24 and 275 pounds! I'm certain that everything I accomplished in P-Park for the past two weeks was lost these past three days.

Now that I'm back to square one, I am going to show ya'll my start point....

It's not that bad but it's not Front Line material, AT ALL!!! I am heading to the supermarket tomorrow and will dump all this "fun food" for healthier choices. You are what you eat you know.
